Interfaces > The number of contact pairs of Secondary structures

Dimer Interface classification

PDB entries

PDB ID Chain Superfamily Family Protein Domain Species
4dcf A Phospholipase A2, PLA2 Vertebrate phospholipase A2 automated matches Bothrops brazili [TaxId: 157546]
B Phospholipase A2, PLA2 Vertebrate phospholipase A2 automated matches Bothrops brazili [TaxId: 157546]
1xxs A Phospholipase A2, PLA2 Vertebrate phospholipase A2 automated matches Bothrops moojeni [TaxId: 98334]
B Phospholipase A2, PLA2 Vertebrate phospholipase A2 automated matches Bothrops moojeni [TaxId: 98334]