Interfaces > The number of contact pairs of Secondary structures

Dimer Interface classification

PDB entries

PDB ID Chain Superfamily Family Protein Domain Species
1izy A Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
B Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
1n57 A Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
B Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
1pv2 A Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
B Class I glutamine amidotransferase-like DJ-1/PfpI HSP31 (HchA; YedU) Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
1ag9 A Flavoproteins Flavodoxin-related Flavodoxin Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
B Flavoproteins Flavodoxin-related Flavodoxin Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]
4heq A Flavoproteins Flavodoxin-related automated matches Desulfovibrio gigas [TaxId: 879]
B Flavoproteins Flavodoxin-related automated matches Desulfovibrio gigas [TaxId: 879]